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edition of 1
Left to Oneself

In the heart of an overgrown forest, nestled within the crumbling remains of a once-grand estate, lived a man forgotten by time and those who once claimed to care. The village had long ceased to remember him, his name fading like a whisper on the wind, lost to the relentless march of years. He was a recluse, his only companions the endless rows of books that lined his dusty shelves, each tome a portal to worlds far removed from his own isolation.

His days bled into nights, the passage of time marked only by the shifting shadows on his walls and the gradual decay of his surroundings. Obsessed with the pursuit of knowledge, he delved into ancient texts and obscure manuscripts, his mind a labyrinth of arcane wisdom and forgotten lore. He spoke to no one, his voice a rare and eerie sound that echoed through the empty halls, a stark reminder of the life he had forsaken.

The villagers occasionally wondered, in passing, whatever became of the strange man who once lived among them. They spun tales of his descent into madness, of a scholar consumed by his quest for understanding, who vanished into the void of his own mind. Yet, no one ventured to his secluded abode, the memory of his existence slipping further into obscurity with each passing season.

And so, he remained, a spectral figure in a house of shadows, his legacy reduced to a mere curiosity, an enigma shrouded in silence and solitude.
